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Responsibilities and Ethics of Psychology

In psychology  I can't prescribe medications their pacient, psychologists don't have that responsibility, it belongs to psychiatrists. In psychology they  have to age to psychologist to advice god and corret. In psychology profession the doesn't have to use the uniform in another camp, but the clinic the have to I use , because they is in the hopital or office clinic. In the psycholoogy  people have to atend in the office, when they work in ICBF or bussines, sometines I shloud meet in their home or virtual consult. In psychology it is mandatory to have a professional card to attend people. In profession of psychology they can't they bribe in the field legal, expecific in the prison, because is illegal and the code of ethics is broken .Psychologists can't have relationships with patients. For example in work with children they shouldn't speak with the family after of the consultation, because their children can lie or don't speak. 

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